Considered to be one of the most important departments of the hospital, it traces its roots way back to the time when the hospital started. Be it Cardiology, gynecology, or even oncology, every important branch of medicine has its fundamentals in this department. It encompasses all the intricate systems of the human body. From common disorders and everyday problems to the critically ill patients who need to be directed to the corresponding specialty unit, the department of medicine handles every case with equal ease. Department of Medicine started in 1962with its first HOD as Dr. B. Prasad on 09-10-62. Subsequently Dr. S.S. Prasad, Dr. A.N. Rai, Dr. A.K. Mahto worked as HOD. Dr. Rajendra Kumar Jha worked successfully as the HOD after Dr. A.K. Mahto and superannuated from service recently on 30th June, 2016.
The department has facilities for all important clinical investigations like dialysis and angiography. The emergency unit of the department has the facility of nebulization, cardiac monitoring, and ventilator in addition to numerous other equipments. PTCA and mitral balloon valvaloplasty are expected to start soon. The usual cases dealt with are infectious diseases. In the months of June - July malaria cases are generally predominant while in winter it’s the heart diseases which rule the roost. Cases of AIDS and TB keep coming throughout the year. The patients are provided food and drugs free of cost. Strict hygienic conditions are maintained and the wards are cleaned every day. The toilets are clean and are looked after well by the sanitation unit of the hospital. The waste disposal system is well managed.
Undergraduate- Besides studies, students are encouraged to take part in interactive session, research work under ICMR project.
Postgraduate- PG students take part in regular reporting of Adverse Drug Reaction cases from different dept., seminar presentation, poster presentation and journal club activities. Each student is encouraged to take part in national conference and paper publication.
The department plans to start a superspeciality OPD which would include Endocrinology, Neurology, Gastroenterology and Nephrology. To increase the number of beds in wards, number of faculty and PG seats. An upgradation of the ICU with the support of specialists from AIIMS is on the way. To increase the number of publications and installation of WiFi in every unit.
Along with the OPD, The doctor assigned is on 24 hours Emergency duty ably supported by PGs, SRs and a Professor on Call.
There are 6 units having approximately 24-36 beds per unit. There are 34 beds in the ICU namely 16 in MICU & 18 in ICCU. 4 – bedded Dialysis wing is also operational.
1. APICON 2016 was held in Hyderabad where 22 papers were presented by the students and doctors of the Department.
2. JAPICON 2016 was held in RIMS Ranchi under the supervision of Dr. J. K. Mitra.
3. Rheumatology Conference was held in RIMS Ranchi under the supervision of Dr. R. K. Jha & Dr. J.K. Mitra.
4. Seminars & CMEs are organized on a regular weekly & monthly basis.
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