Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences
An Autonomous Institute under the Govt. of Jharkhand
Ranchi, Jharkhand
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Department - Laboratory Medicine
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Department of CLINICAL PATHOLOGY which was functioning from the very inception of this institute was renamed as DEPARTMENT OF LABORATRY MEDICINE by the Governing Body of RIMS.


Various tests are performed in the department namely- .

1. Biochemical Tests
2. Glycosylated Hb percentage (by HPLC METHOD)
3. Thyroid profile
4. Complete Blood Count
5. Screening test for hemolytic anemia {Thalassemia & sickle cell anemia} by HPCL method
6. HLA-B27 by flowcytometry
7. Routine urine examination.


1. PCR for BCR-ABL gene fusion
2. ELISA for IgE, Anti-CCP & ANA
3. Spectroscopy for trace metals


The department opens everyday by 09:00 AM .The routine as well as special tests are performed from 10:00 AM ti 01:00PM & then from 02:00PM to 05:00 PM


Number of tests performed between October 215 to May 2016 are 27755.


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