Present over a vast area of 2400 sq. mts., the Central Library is accommodated in the 3rd & 4th Floor of the Oncology Block, boasting a wide collection of over 86000 books, 981 Indian Journals, 2166 Foreign Journals and around 2000 research papers. With Dr. Poonam Singh, Professor & HOD, Physiology as the in-charge of the library, the smooth functioning and working is maintained by Librarian, 3 Library Attendants and 1 housekeeping staff. For the convenience of the students & prfessors, it is divided into:

Acquisition Section
The Open Access System allows a student to freely browse through the books and have their own pick. Every UG batch & PG Session has records of the books issued, maintained in their respective registers. Its working hours are 7:30am - 10pm (Mon - Sat).

Reference Section
The Reference books are sorted department wise and are issued against the submission of one's ID card for a time time bound period. Its working hours are 8:00PM - 4:00PM (Mon - Sat).

Thesis Section

This section contains a copy of every Research Paper published by the PG students, for other students to refer & know more.

Technical Section
This section is for the numbering and sorting of the new books acquired by the library. It is also responsible for the maintenance/ reparing of the old books.

Teacher's Section
A section that fulfills the reference purposes of the teachers.
Around 300 students sit at a time in the well furnished, air conditioned and Wi-Fi enabled segment of the library called the STUDY SECTION. UG & PG/HS/Interns are seated separately. There are also rooms provided for Group Discussions, Project making ect.