Security is a number of prime concern for our institute and at present has been outsourced to M/S Everest Human Resources Counsultants that provide our campus with 365 able bodied well trained guards working tirelessly to maintain peace in the campuss & hospital. The district administraion also ensures the safety of the students, doctors, and patients by ensuring regular police patrolling, both on foot and by PCR van.

The maintenance of all statistics of the hospital is the work of the Medical Records Department. It is located on 5th Administrative Building . It is headed by Dr S.B Singh, who is further assisted by a Medical Record Technician and a clerical staff. The following are the type of record that the department has in store-
  Types A-
 Relayed from the emergency
- IR
- DR
- Mother Register
  Type B-
 Bed Head Ticket (BHT) that is provided from indoor of each department.
  Type C-
- Outdoor Patient Turnout(OPD)
- Indoor Patient Turnout(IPD)
- Major OT
- Minor OT
- Pathological Test Records
- Radiological Test Records
The recodrs are not just maintained on paper but a soft copy of the same is also maintained on
computer. The information relayed from the various sources is basically through two cahnnels.
  Networking-From the OPDs and the IPDs.
  Through the clerical staff of the concerned department.
The details preserved here are subjected to timely revision and disposal-
The OPD details every 5 years and
The IPD details every 10 years

A clean and healthy environment is quintessential for the early recovery of any ailing person and laundry is an essential component of the same. the unit is both manually and mechanically equipped. There are 6 washer men appointed for the job and the unit can boast for being a mechanized one in true sense. There are a number of semi-automatic equipments which include washing machines, hydro extractors, dry cleaners, linen dryer, hydraulic laundering and calendaring machines, etc. With the aid of these the cleanliness of wards, the patients and the college is smoothly maintained.

There are two medical gas supply plant at RIMS, Ranchi. the older one supplies medical gasses to general hospital while the newly established gas plant supplies oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and compressed air to the SSB and Oncology Blocks. At RIMS, both gas plants have been outsourced to m/s PRAXAIR under m/s SCIEMED OVERSEAS INC. There are totaly 1020 outlets in SSB and Oncology Blocks, where double outlet of oxygen also goes to Operation Theaters and ICU. The plant is looked after an Incharge who has 4 staff members working under him. To ensure proper functioning daily inspections are done.

Sterilization, disinfection and asepsis rank high among the concerns of any hospital administration and RIMS is no exception to it. The very presence of the CSSD in the institute speaks volumes of our effort as far as sterilization is concerned. Being the general sterilizationunit, it caters to the need of the entire hospital. The materials sterilized over here include gauze cotton, linen, surgical instruments, gloves, rubber sheets and procedure of sterilization is AUTOCLAVE sterilization. The channel through which materials are brought from and there-after sent back to the departments is the responsibility of the concerned department. RIMS just not holds a single sterilizationunit but several individuals such units run under each department. All efforts are made by the CSSD so as to erase the incidence of nosocomial infection in our hospital.

"Cleanliness is next to Godliness" may be an age old proverb but it is always the prime motto of any medical institute. The waste management and sanitation maintenance department of our institute serves an example to the above saying. Though there is no separate committee present in the institute for this purpose, yet is effectively and successfully managed through outsourcing. And this is done through recruitment of the outsourced agency on tender basis that is renewed every year. Presently the in-charge is Arjun Singh who is assisted by Sandeep Singh as the supervisor. Waste managament etc. With the aid of these the cleanliness of wards, the patients and the college is smoothly maintained.